

Institutional Efficiency


In this journey you will discover all the details, uses, and versatility of our Institutional Efficiency solution to effectively plan and manage academic and campus resources strategically. In just a few minutes, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of this powerful tool and how it can benefit demand forecasting practices through effective data management.

To get started, let's dive into the top three most frequently asked questions about Academic Institutional Efficiency: 



What is Academic Institutional Efficiency and how does it solve resource optimization challenges for higher education institutions?

Institutional Efficiency is an AI-driven tool that provides flexibility and efficiency to predict student and course demand, optimize schedules considering faculty availability, and enable the effective use of physical campus spaces.

Through our Institutional Efficiency solution, higher education institutions can properly forecast student demand through real time reports that facilitate resource allocation, making campus management easier, more efficient, and highly effective.




For what purposes do our clients use Institutional Efficiency?

Our Institutional Efficiencyg solution was designed to make scheduling, campus space management and resource plannning easier, enabling institutions to streamline planning processes and make strategic decisions based on data.

Here are some of the main ways our customers use Institutional Efficiency:  

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Simulate and evaluate different scenarios for a new academic year.

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Make informed decisions regarding faculty availability, qualifications, and allocation.

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Evaluate and understand changes in class capacity by time slot.

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Optimize infrastructure capacity and group size.

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Save on unnecessary infrastrusture development and costs.

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Optimize student schedules as needed.



How does uPlanner's Institutional Efficiency solution work?

Our Institutional Efficiency solution generates optimal scenarios that respond to academic and operational objectives, take into account resource availability and unique scheduling preferences with efficiency in mind. Through sophisticated algorithms, academic institutions can efficiently forecast future demand and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation, resulting in better outcomes for both the institution and its students.

For an in-depth demo, please contact us.

Make an appointment to schedule a demo today!

Learn how uPlanner's Institutional Efficiency

will help you overcome challenges in academic planning.


uPlanner's Institutional Efficiency solution helps you get the most value from your data.

uPlanner-Interfaces-Distribución por modalidades y jornadas- INGLES
Scheduling distribution by class times and modality
uPlanner-Interfaces-  Centralizar o descentralizar la planificación académica - INGLES
Centralized or decentralized scheduling
uPlanner-Interfaces-Distribución por modalidades y jornadas- INGLES (1)
Distribution by activity type (lecture, practicals, laboratory)
uPlanner-Interfaces-Restringir o aumentar espacios físico _ INGLES
Efficient campus space utilization
uPlanner-Interfaces-Crear disponibilidad docente para la asignación en los cursos- INGLES
Considers both faculty availability and qualifications to assign and schedule courses

Design simulation scenarios that include a range of potential situations.

Set rules and visualize data to allocate faculty resources aptly


How Institutional Efficiency at the University of Washington averted investment in an unnecessary new building.

Start with Institutional Efficiency TODAY!

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Institutional Efficiency

For an in-depth demo, please contact us.

Make an appointment to schedule a demo today!

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A new era in Higher Education planning and management.


Contact us

Miami: 66 West Flagler Street #900 Miami, FL 33130 US.

México: +52 1 55 2173 2671

Colombia: +57 301 5380421
